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How Much Does Powerlifting Coaching Cost in the UK?

A powerlifting coach can aid with technique, long-term, tailored training, mental abilities and plans, and competition preparation. The goal of hiring a powerlifting coach is to help you advance in the sport beyond what you could do on your own.

So, how do you go about choosing a powerlifting coach and how much does a powerlifting coach cost? Before working with a powerlifting coach, you should be aware of their coaching philosophy/background, how they run their coaching practice, how many athletes they have previously worked with, and the type of strength training service you will receive if you choose them.

This guide will explain everything you need to know about powerlifting and how much it costs. So without further ado let’s get into it!

Powerlifting via online coaching

Powerlifting coaches must understand how anatomy, biomechanics, training, and physiology connect to improving max strength for the squat, bench press, and deadlift.

The majority of gym goers aren’t interested in training their squat, bench press, and deadlift to maximise their 1-rep max. As a result, gym trainers are often generalists who work with customers on broad ‘muscle growth’ goals.

As a result, many aspiring powerlifters turn to remote powerlifting coaches.

Both athletes and coaches can benefit from online coaching. Athletes can hire someone from outside their local area who has the skill set required to improve their powerlifting abilities. Coaches can develop a full-time powerlifting coaching business without relying on a small number of clients who are powerlifters in their local area.

Online coaching can be a great way to save on costs as you’ll use your own equipment in your own space and practice through training videos, although some people may still prefer to go to specialist powerlifting gyms to train in person with their coach.

Services and deliverables from a powerlifting coach

One of the main reasons athletes are dissatisfied with their coach is that they did not have a clear concept of what they were getting in terms of service-level delivery before beginning. 

It’s vital to know what you may expect from the coach after you hire them. There should be some consistent deliverables from the coach, as well as an expectation of when you may expect to receive them.

Powerlifting expertise & specialist advice

The main deliverable you can expect from a powerlifting coach is a comprehensive and quality fitness program in the sport. Coaches should provide you with the right advice and knowledge to help you improve your performance. 

This includes guiding you in how to use specialist powerlifting equipment such as powerlifting barbells and power racks, assistance in setting goals and tracking progress, as well as coaching services such as technique analysis and instruction.


A powerlifting coach will generally provide a regular training programme to follow in between sessions in order to help you succeed in meeting your goals. 

How much are you willing to train and how often can you dedicate time to training? This should be discussed with your coach before any regimen is set in place in order to help your coach plan the best powerlifting training programme that is fit for your needs and schedule.


A good coach should provide feedback on your training. What you want to know is how the feedback will be delivered and what it will contain. Some coaches will provide technique analysis comments based on training footage. Other coaches will provide positive mindset and head game training.

Comp day coaching

Along with their core services, your coach may or may not provide comp day coaching. When you employ some coaches, their comp day coaching services are included. Comp day coaching, on the other hand, is an optional service for some coaches, depending on the nature of the competition.

Cost of powerlifting coaching in the UK

The cost of a powerlifting coach will vary depending on the services offered and the experience of the coach. Generally speaking, most powerlifting coaches will provide monthly billing for their coaching services, though some may provide one-off sessions with individual payments.

If you’re looking for more regular support, then it’s worth investing in a powerlifting programme that offers monthly sessions with your coach. These packages typically cost between £50-100 on a monthly basis, depending on the services included, but a regularly scheduled training programme can make all the difference when it comes to progress.

At Strength Ambassadors our coaching membership includes a session with a coach once per month, and a bespoke programme written for you to follow in-between sessions. This also includes gym access to StrengthHubE15. 

Overall, investing in a powerlifting coach can be a great way to improve your performance and reach your goals much faster than trying to train on your own. Just make sure you know what you’re getting for your money before making any commitments. 

Looking for London Powerlifting coaching prices? Contact us today for a no-obligation chat.

Why invest in gym memberships for powerlifting?

Here are some reasons why you should powerlift in a dedicated gym with a trainer:

Good form

Powerlifters place a premium on proper form. In powerlifting, proper form entails applying force as efficiently as possible.

While proper programming is crucial, teaching good technique is the most beneficial thing a trainer can do for their customers. Any trainer can replicate another trainer’s programme. The ability to get clients to implement the custom programming correctly is what distinguishes good trainers from poor trainers.

Before they think about anything else, powerlifters spend time from the start hammering down good technique to the point where it becomes automatic. They understand that proper technique is more effective and safer.

Defined goals

Powerlifting has very clear and defined goals: improve performance in the squat, bench, and deadlift. And the goal remains constant. Month after month, year after year, it’s the same.

Powerlifters who are successful do an excellent job of ensuring that everything in their programme contributes to that aim. They don’t sabotage themselves by doing additional activities that could negatively affect their training and recovery from powerlifting.

Good powerlifting coaches will have a proven track record of keeping their clients on track with their goals, and steer them clear of the temptation to chase every new Instagram fad workout, which could detract from the powerlifting goal.

Take some time to research powerlifting classes and coaches to make sure your money is being invested in a coach who can guarantee these persistent goals.

Powerlifting Coaching and Gym in London

Choosing a powerlifting coach should be a deliberate process based on a set of criteria and specific inquiries. You should not hire the coach with the most followers on social media or the strongest person in your weight class.

Instead, think about their coaching philosophy/background, how they manage their coaching practice, who they’ve previously worked with, and the type of service you’ll receive if you choose them.

At Strength Ambassadors, we take pleasure in the exceptional coaching we provide to our clients at our London gym. Sally, our head coach, has years of powerlifting and weightlifting expertise and is dedicated to assisting people of all ages and abilities in achieving their fitness objectives.

Contact us today for a quote on all our strength training services!

How much does powerlifting coaching cost FAQs

How many times a week should powerlifters train?

Most powerlifters train three to five times each week. Training every day is not recommended, as the body needs time to recover in order to get stronger. For best strength growth, you should only train certain muscle groups or lifts 2 to 3 times each week. It is best to start with three days a week, and only add in extra training days if you can cope with the workload.

Is a powerlifting coach worth it?

A powerlifting coach can aid with technique, long-term, tailored training, mental abilities and plans, and competition preparation. The goal of hiring a powerlifting coach is to help you advance in the sport beyond what you could do on your own.

How much does a powerlifting coach cost in the UK?

Typically, a powerlifting coach in the UK costs £60-80 for a PT session, and between £50-100 per month for a program, depending on the services provided and expertise of the coach. Remember: you’re investing in your progress! Just make sure to do your research beforehand and ensure you’re getting the most out of your money.

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