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How to Choose Bedroom Wallpapers – A Step-by-Step Guide

The bedroom is like a safe harbor where we can recover after long and tiring days. Its environment promotes our physical and mental health, and thus, improves our concentration and productivity during our day-to-day activity. The design of the bedroom has an effect on the way we fall asleep and wake up, setting the right mood for the whole day. Many of us don’t even pay attention to the ambiance of the room, thinking the bed and pillow will be just fine for recovery. However, that’s a far cry from reality.  The design of the bedroom is fundamental in terms of the quality of our sleep, the feeling of relaxation, and a welcoming atmosphere. 

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If you noticed that there’s no feeling of lightness in your bedroom, moreover, it may annoy you in some ways, then it’s the right moment to get down to a bedroom makeover and build up an inviting and stressless atmosphere. The makeover can include revolutionary changes, or just add some significant features – like an accent wall – that will also change the whole atmosphere, without the expense of time. 

A bedroom makeover may seem a daunting and challenging task, as it is often difficult to make your ideas come true. However, with the versatility of materials and wallpapers nowadays, the sky’s the limit. We have compiled all the bits and pieces you need to know about the choice of wallpaper for the bedroom, to help you create the space you draw in your imagination. 

Overall Design

Before setting on a choose-the-wallpaper journey, it’s important to visualize what you want to see in your bedroom. The bedroom can have an individual design, or just be a complementary part of the whole ‘home ensemble’. Before coming up with the final decision, look through the ideas offered by the designer, and check Pinterest and Instagram to get inspired if you feel the lack of ideas. 

It is important to be precise with the desires, instead of saying ‘maybe’, or “it would be a good idea”, you need to say “I want/I see it this way/I want to have this or that pattern”, etc. Clarity makes everything easier and helps you not to get lost in all the versatility of the wallpapers, because everything looks really great when you are at the store, and you suddenly may want to change all the ideas you were prepared with, however, stick to your plan. 

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When working on the design, don’t forget about the practicality of the changes. A beautiful pinkish accent wall or dense flowery patterns may seem nice at the beginning, yet you will hate them after a few weeks, as such density is annoying to the eyes, and doesn’t help to relax. It’s better to make simplicity the foundation of the makeover and introduce specific features and touches, to create an appropriate mood. 

Quality of the Walls

One of the first things to consider before starting the renovation is the evenness of the walls, as it influences the whole experience and the look of the walls afterward. 

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There are two ways to deal with such deficiency:

lining paper – helps to hide minor dents and nicks. Works best when you aren’t planning to stay in the place for years; 

skimming – covers bumps and lumps, giving a better result, therefore, works best for permanent residency. 

Depending on the quality of the bedroom walls and the time you are going to spend in that place, choose the most fitting variant. 

Type of wallpapers

The next stage is defining the choice of wallpapers. It’s important to consider the application characteristics and the material they are made from. 

The application characteristics:

  1. Traditional, or non-pasted, wallpapers – create a long-lasting effect; they suit people who want to keep the design for years. The paper itself isn’t prepared and has no adhesive layer on the back, so you will need to apply it yourself. The paste is always bought together with the wallpapers, depending on the material of the basis and its adhesive characteristics. 

Although this is the most long-term solution, it creates lots of mess and typically requires a professional, especially if there is an intrinsic pattern. 

  1. Pasted wallpapers – a ready-to-use wallpaper type, you will need just water to wet the paper and apply it on the wall. However, such wallpapers aren’t the best solution in terms of durability. 
  2. Peel-and-stick, or serf-adhesive, wallpapers – probably the best solution nowadays, as you have no need to buy paste, hire a professional, etc. Everything is simple, just take away the back paper and stick the front paper on the wall. 

They are the best for people who are into frequent changes and love to transform the home environment for some events, seasons, or just appropriate moods. Peel-and-stick wallpapers give freedom for a bedroom transformation. Just by changing the accent wall, you will change the whole atmosphere of a place as well. The accent wall bedroom patterns are so versatile that they can fit practically any kind of design.

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Materials of the wallpapers:

  • Vinyl – the most common and durable type of wallpaper. They are suitable for damp environments and can easily be wiped with a wet cloth. 
  • Paper – beautiful but highly-delicate material. It can easily be scratched and torn, creating a need for frequent renovations. 
  • Fabric – beautiful and high-quality wallpaper. It requires a professional for application, as there can be wrinkles and bubbles. This type is usually pre-pasted. 
  • Grasscloth – easy to hang as they don’t need the matching. It’s typically produced from natural fibers like hemp, reed, arrowroot, and jute. They are a durable and permanent solution. 

The pattern match

Pattern match defines the level of difficulty while applying the wallpaper. It’s a crucial thing to consider when choosing wallpapers, especially if you are planning a self-made makeover. 

  1. Drop match 

The most challenging method of application. It requires both horizontal and vertical matches. Such work should only be entrusted to professionals. These wallpapers always look exquisite. 

  1. Straight Match

An average level of difficulty requires all the strips to be matched vertically in order to have a seamless pattern. Such a level is suitable for those who are already experienced with renovation and wallpaper application; it requires at least some basic knowledge of the process.

  1. Random Match (free match)

The best choice for beginners, as there is no lining of the patterns, thus, you will only be concentrated on the proper application, without the worries about the pattern.

How to choose the wallpaper pattern?

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  1. Small and Large Prints

Small prints concentrate our attention and depending on the colors can enlarge the space or make it smaller. If the small print is done with light and cool colors, it will visually make the place bigger, yet the warm and dark colors will make the opposite effect.

Large prints are impressive and provocative. They make a perfect pattern for an accent wall, catching the attention of everyone from the very first moment. Large prints create coziness and a comfy atmosphere. 

  1. Geometric Prints

The geometric print works best for an accent wall in the bedroom, it adds depth to the space and creates a balance of lines in the room. If you decide to use the large print for the whole room, it will make it smaller in size. 

  1. Vertical and Horizontal lines

Vertical lines come first if you have low ceilings, they structurize the place and give it the feeling of spaciousness. Horizontal lines will make the bedroom wider, yet lower. 

  1. Diagonal lines

Diagonal lines are about difference, creativity, and free thinking. It brings a sense of moment and freedom. 

  1. Textured Wallpaper

Textured wallpapers will fit perfectly on the accent wall. They bring tactility and depth to the place. The texture can create the story in the overall design. 

What are the colors to choose for the bedroom?

The color palette chosen for the bedroom is a completely individual thing. Yet there are the psychological characteristics of the colors you can’t avoid, as they influence our well-being. 

Typically, bright and vivid colors aren’t recommended for bedrooms – yellow, orange, red, and green, as they are energizing and motion-provoking. Therefore, you will have a hard time falling asleep. These colors can be used as just touches or elements of decor, for some sparkles of freshness, or the accent wall details. However, not the whole-wall color.

There is also dark brown and gray, they may look modern and urban, yet it has nothing to do with comfortable sleep. 

As a rule, psychologists recommend going for calm and soothing colors, and choosing neutral shades as they will boost the atmosphere of tranquility and relaxation. Therefore, think twice before choosing the right color, and consider its usability. Don’t follow the first urge for something cool and bright, analyze your choice. 

A bedroom makeover is an important step toward improving your well-being. Generally, it is recommended to have renovations every 3-4 years, to refresh and spruce up the place a bit. If you are pressed for time, the makeover can get down to minor changes, like just creating accent walls and altering its design from time to time. With proper planning, the bedroom will never be outdated and boring, but modern, welcoming, and relaxing.

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